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Ready to travel on short notice? We'll often waive the one-way hire fee service charge for the offers below and/or offer a significant discount. This is the best way to secure cheap campervan hire in Portugal and Spain. If you see an offer that almost matches your dates, or if you'd like to make us an offer, contact our team directly, and we'll do our best to find a solution.
Number of nights can be reduced, the same price applies.
Bedding kits are available for 29€ per bed
1-way trips:
Pacific: Lisbon ↝ Faro 130€ (18/09 - 20/09)
Grand California: Faro ↝ Lisbon 630€ (18/09 - 22/09)
California: Lisbon ↝ Porto 460€ (18/09 - 22/09)
California: Lisbon ↝ Faro 300€ (20/09 - 23/09)
Beach: Faro ↝ Porto 450€ (21/09 - 25/09)
Sierra: Faro ↝ Lisbon 595€ (24/09 - 28/09)
Beach: Lisbon ↝ Faro 500€ (26/09 - 01/10)
Beach: Porto ↝ Faro 600€ (30/09 - 07/10)
Same pick-up & drop off deals:
California: Malaga ↝ Malaga 600€ (13/09 - 20/09)
Sierra: Lisbon ↝ Lisbon 680€ (20/09 - 24/09)
Pacific: Lisbon ↝ Lisbon 1000€ (18/09 - 25/09)